Underground Fence Installations

Installed by Thielen Turf Irrigation, Inc.

Underground Fence Installation | How it Works:

underground fence

Underground fence systems use a transmitter that plugs into a standard outlet and emits a radio signal that travels along an underground fence wire. You can adjust the signal to reach up to 15 feet from the wire. However, in most cases, a 4-6 foot signal field will be best for optimal training.

The lightweight receiver worn on your pet’s collar picks up the radio signal and alerts him/her as they approach the underground fence boundary that you have customized for your yard.

When he approaches the boundary, he receives a warning beep. If your dog does not return, it receives a static correction which is startling, but not harmful. Our maintenance free design and ease of installation offers tremendous savings compared to conventional fencing and other systems of this type.

Installations include running the ground wire, installing the system with a lightning protection module, and one dog collar. Call 989-773-3409 today for a FREE Estimate!!

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